ECEIBC 01 HR Focus Contract Template for the Electrical Industry Permanent
R300.00The Electrical Industry Bargaining Council has been in existence for several years and the Bargaining Council functions well. NBCEI members make use of both Fixed Term as well as Permanent Contracts of Employment. The Bargaining Council has various benefits for Employees and Employers alike as enumerated in Contracts of Employment.
ECEIBC 02 HR Focus Contract Template for the Electrical Industry Fixed Term
R300.00The Electrical Industry Bargaining Council has been in existence for several years and the Bargaining Council functions well. NBCEI members make use of both Fixed Term as well as Permanent Contracts of Employment. The Bargaining Council has various benefits for Employees and Employers alike as enumerated in Contracts of Employment.
NBCEI Application for condonation in respect of unfair dismissal dispute
R0.00NBCEI Application for condonation in respect of unfair dismiisal dispute
NBCEI FORM 7.11 Referring a Dispute for conciliation including Con Arb
R0.00NBCEI FORM 7.11 Referring a Dispute for conciliation including Con Arb
The following disputes cannot be referred to the Bargaining Council-
- where the issue in dispute is one that must be referred to the CCMA or Labour Court in terms of the LRA or the BCEA.
- where a private agreement exists for resolving disputes (for example: private arbitration)
- where the employer is not a member of the employers organisation, ECA and/or the employee is a not member of the trade union, SAEWA. (If either one of the parties to the dispute is not a member the recognised parties to this Council, the dispute must be referred to the CCMA)
NBCEI Main Agreement 29 May 2023 to 28 Feb 2029
R0.00NBCEI Main Agreement 29 May 2023 to 28 Feb 2029