7.11 Referring a dispute to the CCMA for conciliation With POPIA Disclaimer

To refer a dispute to the CCMA or Bargaining Council, a referral form, also known as an LRA 7.11 form, must be completed and filed on the opposing party in terms of Rule 10 of the CCMA Rules. A general misconception is that only dismissed employees can initiate disputes and refer cases to the CCMA. Employees, employers, trade unions, and employer’s organisations are also entitled to refer cases to the CCMA, and the LRA 7.11 form makes provision for such referrals. The 7.11 referral forms are available on hard copy from the CCMA offices, the Department of Employment and Labour, and electronically on the CCMA website.


7.11 Referring a dispute to the CCMA for conciliation With POPIA Disclaimer
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